Call for abstract

Abstract submission is closed

Abstract submission deadline February 15nd 2024

Abstract Authors

Abstract authors include four different categories:
  1. First Author: the first author who submitted the abstract and to whom all correspondence from ECC2024 will be senti s the Presenting Author.
  2. Co-Authors: each co-Author in each abstract’s author string. In order to have correct information in the indices and the website of ECC2024, author names in multiple abstracts have to be consistent. For example: Robert Grant belongs to the author string of more abstracts, the name R. Grant must be written this way in all abstracts and not in different ways, such as Rob Grant, Grant Rob…
  3. Affiliations: short affiliation is required for each author or group of authors, including Department, Institution, City and Country. Please do not insert authors’ names and affiliations in the .doc document you are required to upload.
The indication of the preferable presentation type (Oral Communication / Poster) is mandatory. The final allocation of the abstract will be decided by the Abstract Selection Committee. Abstract must be submitted electronically only via the Abstract Submission Form. An acknowledgement of the receipt of the abstract will be sent automatically by e-mail to the presenting author upon the on-line submission. Abstract text In order to set a common standard for the abstracts publication, authors are requested to organize the abstract as follows:
  1. Introduction – statement of the hypothesis or research question.
  2. Methods – an explanation of the study design and experimental methods used.
  3. Results – A concise summary of the major findings of the experiment or study. Sufficient data must be provided to permit evaluation by the reviewers and public reading.
  4. Conclusions – Summary of the overall findings and the importance of the study.
When preparing the text, please remember
  • Use generic drug names.
  • Do not begin sentences with numerals.
  • Standard abbreviations may be used without definition. Non-standard abbreviations (kept to a minimum) must be placed in parenthesis after the first use of the word or phrase abbreviated.
  • Do not include references, credit or grant support.
  • Do not include the names or personal information of any patient participating in the study or trial.
Abstract Format The text should contain no more than 350 words, figures or tables excluded. A maximum of 2 figures/tables/graphics is acceptable. Typeface “Times New Roman”, Font size 12. In order to avoid blank lines, please single-space all typing. Be sure that any text included in graphics, if any, will be legible at the defined size. Abstract Revisions Carefully proofread the abstract, make any necessary revisions before the submission deadline date and be sure that the English level is appropriate for a scientific abstract. Each abstract can only be submitted once. The same abstract cannot be submitted for consideration in different categories. Acceptance Notification of Acceptance/Non-acceptance will be e-mailed by April 30th 2024. Registration of Abstract presenters Abstract presenters must register and pay the registration fee within February 15nd 2024. The registration will ensure the presentation of the abstract during the congress. Expenses are under the presenter’s responsibility. Only the first author listed is considered the presenter. If registration is not accomplished within the scheduled deadline the abstract will not be rewieved. Please make sure you inform the Organizing Secretariat of any changes you would like to make.